Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Why Your Second Amendment Rights Don't Matter Anymore

Matthew 2:17-18
Then what was said through the prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled:
“A voice is heard in Ramah,
    weeping and great mourning,
Rachel weeping for her children
    and refusing to be comforted,
    because they are no more.”   

Yet another shooting. At this point, there is no more room for talk.  No more room for "thoughts and prayers".  There needs to be action.  The old back and forth with no progress has made no impact.  People are dead, again.  And nobody is shocked.  Nobody is surprised.  We are at war with ourselves.  

If we take no action, if our politicians, who have the capacity to change the laws, if we as people who vote for these leaders take no action with our votes, with our voices then we are responsible.  Texas, Nevada, Orlando and all the others that will surely come will damn us, they will damn us to hell because nothing will change.  We'll grow numb to the news.  A week or two will pass.  We'll watch some exciting new melodrama on tv, some celebrity scandal will grab out interest and everything will stay the same.  

The NRA will continue to buy your conscience and prevent change, the president will brush it off, the politicians on both sides will talk about change but no real action will be taken.  We'll argue and debate about our rights.  People will continue to die.  And we will be responsible because we could have done something.  And we didn't.  

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